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Rabu, 23 Mei 2012



Long ago in Java island, lived a famous animal, the mousedeer. The mousedeer was famous of his cleverness, that he could always escape from troubles with his bright minds. The mousedeer’s favourite food was the cucumber. He loved to eat juicy cucumbers a lot, but the bad thing was he did not want to grow it himself, he liked to steal them from the farmers.

The farmers disliked the mousedeer very much, since every time he wanted to harvest his cucumbers, the mousedeer had eaten them that the farmer could not get as many as he wanted. So that morning, before the farmer set out to his farm, he made a plan to catch the mousedeer with his wife.

That night, the farmer and his wife made a scarecrow. When they had completed the scarecrow, the farmer put a lot of glue on the scarecrow’s shirt and took it to the middle of the farm and put him there. This time, the farmer was sure, he was able to catch the naughty mousedeer.

Very early in the next morning, the mousedeer had already arrived in the farm. He was very surprised to see the farmer was already there. He did not know that it was only a scarecrow. So he was hiding behind the trees, and waited for the farmer to go away first from the farm before he came and took all the cucumbers he wanted. He waited for a long time, until he grew impatient. It was like the juicy cucumbers in th farm were calling his name to take them away with him. So he decided to come closer to the farm.

The more he looked at the ‘farmer’, the more he realized that it was not the farmer who stood there all along. It was just a scarecrow and did not move at all. The mousedeer was very angry for he was cheated. He approached the scarecrow and kicked the scarecrow. Remember, the farmer had already added some glue on the scarecrow’s body that made it very sticky.

When the mousedeer kicked the scarecrow, he could not let his feet of the scarecrow’s body. The mousedeer was panic. The harder he kicked, the stickier it got to his legs. Finally, the mousedeer was strapped to the scarecrow’s body. He couldn’t free himself. He cried and cried for help, but no one was there to help. When the farmer heard his cry, he quickly went to his farm and caught the mousedeer. No matter how the mousedeer begged for mercy and to let him go, the farmer refused to set him free.


                                    MOUSEDEER YANG MENCURI KETIMUN
Dulu di pulau Jawa, tinggal hewan yang terkenal, mousedeer tersebut. Mousedeer ini terkenal kecerdikannya, bahwa ia selalu bisa melarikan diri dari masalah dengan pikiran yang cerah. Makanan favorit mousedeer adalah mentimun. Dia suka makan ketimun berair banyak, tapi yang buruk adalah ia tidak ingin tumbuh sendiri, dia suka mencuri mereka dari petani.

Para petani menyukai mousedeer sangat banyak, karena setiap kali dia ingin memanen mentimun nya, mousedeer telah memakan mereka bahwa petani tidak bisa mendapatkan sebanyak yang ia inginkan. Jadi pagi itu, sebelum petani berangkat untuk pertanian, ia membuat rencana untuk menangkap mousedeer dengan istrinya.

Malam itu, petani dan istrinya membuat orang-orangan sawah. Ketika mereka telah menyelesaikan orangan sawah, petani menempatkan banyak lem di baju orang-orangan sawah dan membawanya ke tengah-tengah peternakan dan menempatkan dia di sana. Kali ini, petani yakin, dia mampu menangkap mousedeer nakal.

Pagi-pagi berikutnya, mousedeer tersebut telah tiba di ladang. Dia sangat terkejut melihat petani sudah ada di sana. Dia tidak tahu bahwa hanya orang-orangan sawah. Jadi dia bersembunyi di balik pohon, dan menunggu petani pergi pertama dari peternakan sebelum ia datang dan mengambil semua ketimun yang ia inginkan. Dia menunggu waktu yang lama, sampai ia menjadi tidak sabar. Itu seperti mentimun di lahan berair th memanggil namanya untuk membawa mereka pergi dengan dia. Jadi dia memutuskan untuk datang lebih dekat dengan peternakan.

Semakin ia melihat 'petani', semakin dia menyadari bahwa itu bukan petani yang berdiri di sana selama ini. Itu hanya orang-orangan sawah dan tidak bergerak sama sekali. Mousedeer itu sangat marah karena ia ditipu. Ia mendekati orang-orangan sawah dan menendang orang-orangan sawah. Ingat, petani telah menambahkan beberapa lem pada tubuh orang-orangan sawah yang membuat sangat lengket.

Ketika mousedeer menendang orang-orangan sawah, ia tidak bisa membiarkan kakinya tubuh orang-orangan sawah itu. Mousedeer itu panik. Semakin keras ia menendang, yang lengket itu sampai ke kakinya. Akhirnya, mousedeer itu diikat ke tubuh orang-orangan sawah itu. Dia tidak bisa membebaskan dirinya. Dia menangis dan menangis minta tolong, tapi tidak ada yang ada untuk membantu. Ketika petani mendengar teriakan, ia cepat pergi ke ladangnya dan menangkap mousedeer tersebut. Tidak peduli seberapa mousedeer yang memohon belas kasihan dan membiarkan dia pergi, petani menolak untuk membebaskannya.


There was once a Wolf who got very little to eat because the Dogs of the village were so wide awake and watchful. He was really nothing but skin and bones, and it made him very downhearted to think of it.
One night this Wolf happened to fall in with a fine fat House Dog who had wandered a little too far from home. The Wolf would gladly have eaten him then and there, but the House Dog looked strong enough to leave his marks should he try it. So the Wolf spoke very humbly to the Dog, complimenting him on his fine appearance.
“You can be as well-fed as I am if you want to,” replied the Dog. “Leave the woods; there you live miserably. Why, you have to fight hard for every bite you get. Follow my example and you will get along beautifully.”
“What must I do?” asked the Wolf.
“Hardly anything,” answered the House Dog. “Chase people who carry canes, bark at beggars, and fawn on the people of the house. In return you will get tidbits of every kind, chicken bones, choice bits of meat, sugar, cake, and much more beside, not to speak of kind words and caresses.”
The Wolf had such a beautiful vision of his coming happiness that he almost wept. But just then he noticed that the hair on the Dog’s neck was worn and the skin was chafed.
“What is that on your neck?”
“Nothing at all,” replied the Dog.
“What! nothing!”
“Oh, just a trifle!”
“But please tell me.”
“Perhaps you see the mark of the collar to which my chain is fastened.”
“What! A chain!” cried the Wolf. “Don’t you go wherever you please?”
“Not always! But what’s the difference?” replied the Dog.
“All the difference in the world! I don’t care a rap for your feasts and I wouldn’t take all the tender young lambs in the world at that price.” And away ran the Wolf to the woods.


                                       SANG SERIGALA DAN ANJING RUMAH

Ada seekor serigala yang mendapat sangat sedikit untuk makan karena Anjing desa sangat terjaga dan waspada. Dia benar-benar apa-apa kecuali kulit dan tulang, dan itu membuatnya sangat sedih memikirkan itu.
Suatu malam Serigala ini terjadi jatuh dengan Dog House baik lemak yang telah berjalan terlalu jauh dari rumah. Serigala dengan senang hati akan dimakan saat itu juga, tetapi Dog House tampak cukup kuat untuk meninggalkan bekas itu harus ia mencobanya. Jadi
serigala berbicara sangat rendah hati untuk Anjing, memuji penampilan yang bagus.
"Anda dapat juga diberi makan seperti saya jika Anda ingin," jawab Anjing. "Biarkan hutan, ada Anda tinggal total. Mengapa, Anda harus berjuang keras untuk setiap gigitan yang Anda dapatkan. Mengikuti teladan saya dan Anda akan bergaul dengan indah. "
"Apa yang harus saya lakukan?" Tanya
"Hampir tidak apa-apa," jawab Dog House. "Chase orang yang membawa tongkat, kulit pada pengemis, dan coklat kekuningan pada orang rumah. Sebagai gantinya Anda akan mendapatkan tidbits dari setiap jenis, tulang ayam, bit pilihan daging, kue gula,, dan banyak lagi di samping, bukan untuk berbicara tentang kata-kata baik dan belaian. "
Serigala memiliki sebuah visi yang indah kebahagiaan kedatangan-Nya bahwa ia hampir menangis. Tapi kemudian ia melihat bahwa rambut di leher anjing itu dipakai dan kulit itu lecet.
"Apa itu di leher Anda?"
"Tidak ada sama sekali," jawab Anjing.
"Apa! apa-apa! "
"Oh, hanya sedikit sekali!"
"Tapi tolong katakan padaku."
"Mungkin Anda melihat tanda dari kerah yang rantai saya diikat."
"Apa! Sebuah rantai "teriak!
serigala. "Jangan pergi ke mana pun Anda tolong?"
"Tidak selalu! Tapi apa bedanya? "Jawab Anjing.
"Semua perbedaan di dunia! Saya tidak peduli rap untuk pesta Anda dan saya tidak akan mengambil semua domba muda yang lemah di dunia dengan harga itu. "Dan pergi berlari
serigala ke hutan.

Semoga bermanfaat buat agan-agan semua,. buat yang lagi butuh artikel bahasa inggris tentang narrative text

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